Reclamation Project – Year One available for purchase!

Includes my story Dark Garden Lake.

Dark Garden Lake is a bittersweet story about Moshi, a cyborg painted dog, created by the Reclamation Project, who is given the mission to kill the furred folk terrorist, Landolf. He is terribly lonely as he plays a political long game that requires him to take actions that weigh on his soul. He finds comfort in the unlikely arms of a hyena prostitute hired by his handler.

Which got a glowing review!

“Dark Garden Lake” was like eating a professionally cooked meal; mouth-watering from start to finish, and saddening because you wish you could eat the whole thing again.

Ardy Hart, FurryBookReview

Paperback: FurPlanet
E-Book: BadDogBooks
Review: FurryBookReview

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About Kayode Lycaon

Kayode Lycaon (Kay·o·deh Lie·kay·on) is a gregarious painted wolf living in the questionable habitat of southwestern Ohio. By day, he pretends to be a human, writing software. At night, his paws weave stories from threads spun from the fertile grounds of his imagination.